Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made by the fermentation of apple cider. The fermentation provides alcoholic apple cider that is combined with oxygen to produce acetic acid. The pH of ACV (apple cider vinegar) is very beneficial for the body.

It has long been used as a health aid and many other countless purposes: pickle making, killing weeds, cleaning coffee makers, polishing armor, and dressing salads. It's also an ancient folk remedy, touted to relieve just about any ailment you can think of,It is even a very safe supplement for children. There are no known side effects resulting from using it.

Apple cider vinegar is quite rich in minerals, vitamins and other substances. It contains vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin, A, vitamin P, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6. ACV also a lot of beneficial minerals like manganese, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulpher, copper, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine and fluorine.

ACV provides enzymes, amino acids, aldehydes, potash, alcoholic acids, propionic acid, and apple pectin. Apple pectin is a dietary fiber that is an essential component of a healthy diet. With more than ninety substances and a great deal of minerals and vitamins, apple cider vinegar can be one of the most important ingredients in a healthy diet.



Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Make Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar With Your Apple Cores

The apple core doesn’t get a lot of love in the kitchen. And often times the peel gets the shaft, too. The duo never make it into apple pie. They hardly get cooked into apple sauce. Even when an apple is eaten out of hand, the core still gets left behind ― unless you’re one of the rare few who knows how to properly eat an entire apple.

We’re not here to tell you that you need to eat apple peels and cores, but we do think you should use them to make homemade apple cider vinegar. Because apple cider vinegar can be made with nothing more than your apple scraps plus, sugar, water and time. And the best part is it takes almost no prep time, but rewards you with a big jar of the good stuff.
We found this apple scrap cider vinegar recipe from food blogger Don’t Waste The Crumbs, and it is a keeper. The vinegar takes just about two weeks to ferment. It’ll save you money on buying store-bought apple cider vinegar. It can be used in dressings, as a health tonic or for all kinds of beauty uses. Plus, it helps fight food waste. Basically, it’s the best thing ever. Head on over to Don’t Waste The Crumbs now to try the recipe. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Can Apple Cider Vinegar really help manage Diabetes?

By Dragana Jokic, M.D.

Is vinegar really not just for salad anymore? Some celebrities claim it helps them maintain their figures. Some people stand by home remedies using vinegar to treat everything from dandruff and excessive sweating to fungal infections and warts.

A study at Arizona State University tested whether a 2-tbsp. dose of vinegar taken at bedtime could lower waking glucose levels. The hypothesis was based on some limited studies that had indicated a similar amount of vinegar at mealtimes reduced glucose levels. In the test, individuals taking the vinegar showed a 4 to 6 percent reduction in glucose concentrations, much as with the mealtime tests.

However, all of the studies seeking to prove that apple cider vinegar can manage diabetes have been small and the glucose reductions haven’t been great enough to control diabetes. Apparently, it might help a little and probably won’t hurt, although a Mayo Clinic report found mixing vinegar with insulin might decrease potassium levels, which could lead to diabetic complications. Medication, regular exercise, healthful eating habits and regular doctor visits remain the cornerstones of diabetes control and nothing will take their place. Still, many people have an interest in consuming vinegar and other products to give them an edge but the American Diabetes Association says evidence is insufficient to recommend using vinegar to control diabetes and advises caution.

If vinegar does have an effect, researchers suspect that it may work by slowing the digestion of starches, delaying the emptying of food from the stomach (which may also reduce appetite and aid weight loss), altering glucose production in the liver, and through other unknown mechanisms.

But before changing your diet, supplements or any lifestyle factors, discuss your plans with your doctor or ask for a referral to a registered dietitian who is also a diabetes educator. This is the person who will help tailor a plan to fit your needs. A single change may require additional alterations to your medications or other aspects of your treatment plan. Also, more frequently checking your blood glucose can help you learn quite a bit about the effect various foods have on your blood glucose.

Though many kinds of vinegar are commonly used in cooking — and you should feel comfortable using vinegar in normal amounts — if you swallow it by the tablespoon, you could set yourself up for some undesirable side effects. Vinegar’s high acidity can wreak havoc on the digestive system and bones — and interact dangerously with blood pressure and diabetes medications.

Enjoy apple cider vinegar in your salad dressing, if you like, but don’t let it take the place of diet, exercise, proper medications and regular doctor visits if you are an individual living with diabetes.

Click HERE for info!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Apples Are Good For Your Skin

Some may not fancy eating them, but there’s every reason to try apples for your skin. Shahnaz Husain reveals some lesser-known beauty benefits of this wonderful fruit.

An apple a day is said to keep the doctor away. But did you also know that the fruit can do wonders for your skin? Apart from being packed with vitamins and minerals, apples contain pectin and tannin, which help tone and tighten the skin.

Pectin is also said to have a soothing effect on sensitive skin. Apples are wonderful skin toners, helping in stimulating blood circulation to the skin surface. They also have anti-oxidant properties, helping to prevent oxidation damage and thus delaying visible signs of ageing on the skin.

Apples contain fruit acids, which have a powerful cleansing effect on the skin – loosening and removing dead skin cells. This helps to brighten the skin and gradually clear away blemishes, like dark spots. Raw apple pulp or apple juice can be applied on the skin daily and then washed off with plain water after 20 minutes. It helps reduce lines and wrinkles on the skin.

The fruit acids also help in reducing oiliness, discouraging blackheads and whiteheads. Apples can be used as a scrub, mixing it with ground almonds and a little milk or curd. This can be applied on the face and body and rubbed gently on the skin with small circular movements.

No more acne

Apples also have a healing effect and can benefit acne-prone skin. Grated apple can also be added to face masks. They help nourish the skin and maybe used on all skin types.

* Grated apple can be mixed with a little curd and applied on skin with acne.

* Mix oats with curd, honey and apple pulp or grated apple into a paste. Apply on the face and wash it off after 20 to 30 minutes.

* For normal to dry skin, mix apple puree with cream of milk and apply on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

* For normal to oily and combination skin, mix grated apples with egg white and lemon juice. Apply on the face and wash it off after 15 minutes. It helps to remove tan and add glow. Ripe papaya pulp can also be added to this pack.

Skin & hair

Apple cider vinegar, which is obtained from apples, is one of the most useful remedies for common beauty problems. It helps to restore the normal acid-alkaline balance of the skin and scalp. Its main component is acetic acid. It also has other acids, along with vitamins, mineral salts and amino acid. As far as external beauty care is concerned, apple cider vinegar has been used for a number of skin and hair problems.

* For example, it makes for a good hair rinse, restoring normal balance and adding shine to the hair. After shampoo, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a mug of water and use it as a last rinse.

* If you have dandruff, half an hour before you shampoo, apply two tablespoons vinegar on the scalp, massaging it lightly into the scalp. In case of sticky dandruff that adheres to the scalp, soak cotton wool in apple cider vinegar and rub gently on the scalp to dislodge the flakes.

* Apple cider vinegar can also be used to restore balance to acne-prone skin. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water. Soak cotton wool in the solution and dab on the face. The skin has a natural acid mantle and restoring the acid-alkaline balance helps to keep the skin healthy.

*Apple cider vinegar helps to relieve itching. Add some vinegar to bath water and rinse the body with it.

Deccan Herald 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cure Kidney Stones With Apple Cider Vinegar

Kidney stones involve a combination of factors, and almost all stones are formed when chemicals that are normally suspended in and pass with urination remain in the kidneys, creating crystals. Ed Ren, of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Renal Unit in Scotland reports on his website that stones attach to the inside of the kidneys and are more likely to appear if urine is very concentrated and acidic. Men are more prone to them than women, as are people between the ages of 30 and 60 years old. Kidney stones usually contain calcium oxalate crystals, but other types of stones are also common, such as struvite crystals and especially uric acid crystals. Prevention and early detection are important in the treatment of kidney stones. Organic apple cider vinegar is a natural folk remedy used successfully for treatment.

According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, in his book "Alkalinize or Die," although apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, it has an alkalinizing effect on the blood and urine. The natural digestive process in the stomach includes the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and bicarbonate, a highly basic digestive juice produced by the pancreas. The action of the bicarbonate is to alkalinize stomach digest, including HCl, as part of the process of preparing the food for further digestion and elimination. Apple cider vinegar aids both in the overall digestive process stimulating the production of more HCL because of its nature to be alkaline-forming when in the body. It assists further down the line in the conversion of urine and blood into an alkaline-forming state. Baroody goes on to say, when referring to kidney stones: "By reducing acid-forming products from entering the body, the chances are better that this painful acid condition will not assail you."

Step 1

Mix 1 to 2 tsp. organic apple cider vinegar (ACV), containing the cloudy substance called the "mother of vinegar," with 6 to 8 oz. of fresh water and repeat frequently throughout the day, including during an acute attack, to dissolve stones. Then use once or twice a day to prevent the formation of new stones. Baroody, as well as Robert and Shelly Redford Young in their book "The pH Miracle," recommend using ACV in this manner.

Step 2

Add 1 tsp. ACV to 2 tsp. raw organic honey if you dislike the taste of the vinegar or if it is too strong. Repeat as often as you like until you get relief. Both organic apple cider vinegar and raw honey are widely available in health food stores.

Step 3

Use apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing or condiment.

Step 4

Cut back the dose of the vinegar if you experience any stomach discomfort and work your way back up to the recommended dose for prevention and treatment of kidney stones.

Step 5

Use apple cider vinegar as a topical treatment in the form of a poultice. Mix the vinegar with water in a 1-to-1 ratio and heat on the stove until warm, but not to where it burns your hand. Soak a washcloth in the mixture and apply to the spot on your body where you are feeling pain. Leave in place until the cloth cools, then repeat.

Tips and Warnings

  • Apple cider vinegar is an old folk remedy used for many, many conditions due to its alkaline-forming abilities, raising the body's pH and preventing or relieving many conditions.
  • ACV works well to cure smaller kidney stones and to prevent new ones from forming. It may also dissolve larger stones as long as you are not undergoing a severe acute attack that doesn't abate in several hours. The above suggestions are offered for educational purposes. If you have tried any or all of them during an acute kidney stone attack and have not experienced relief within a few hours, seek medical attention immediately.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic apple cider vinegar
  • Organic raw honey
  • Washcloth
  • Fresh water


  • "Alkalinize or Die"; Dr. Theodore Baroody; 1991
  • "The pH Miracle"; Robert Young and Shelly Redford Young; 2003
  • Kidney Stones

Read more:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Apple cider adds lively flavor to marinades, dressings and more

A cup of apple cider is a delicious part of the fabric of fall.
But don't stop at sipping. Versatile apple cider can be used in recipes sweet and savory. And area cider makers not only have the goods on making it but on cooking with it, too. When customers buy apples for applesauce at Westview Orchards and Adventure Farm in Washington Township, Katrina Schumacher advises them to cook down the apples in cider instead of water. "It's a way to get more flavor into the applesauce and use less sugar," she said. Schumacher, a sixth generation co-owner of the farm, says cider also is great blended into smoothies with other fruits or used for slushes and popsicles.
But marinating is one of the most popular uses of cider other than drinking, the cider makers say.
Richard Koziski of Dexter Cider Mill says cider makes an excellent tenderizer in marinades.
"Cider will make any meat tender," said Koziski. "It's a great tenderizer for venison, as it really breaks down the gaminess of it."
Nancy Steinhauer, Koziski's daughter and owner of the mill, cooks ribs directly in cider, a recipe from her sister Julie Black.
"They just cook in the cider, which breaks them down nicely and tenderizes them," Steinhauer said.
She also cooks steel-cut oatmeal in a slow-cooker with apple cider. "I like that you can make it ahead, love the apple flavor, and it's easy," she said.

You can also boil cider down to intensify the flavor and thicken. Brush the sweet glaze on pork loin or tenderloin, poultry and vegetables, or serve it as a syrup.
Here are several more ways to cook with apple cider:
Brines and marinades: For a basic brine, mix 1 1/2 gallons water and 1/2 gallon cider along with 2 cups kosher salt. Brine chicken, turkey and pork. Use apple cider as a marinade ingredient in place of soy sauce, citrus juices and liquids other than oil.
Roasting meat and vegetables: Cook just about any vegetable in apple cider before roasting. As for meat, Schumacher cooks and bastes a bone-in ham with cider. To make Julie Black's ribs: Season 2 pounds of any kind of ribs with garlic salt and black pepper. Place in a baking dish and pour 2 cups apple cider over (enough to come halfway up in the pan). Cover and roast at 325 degrees for 2 to 2 1/2 hours or until tender. Uncover, brush with barbecue sauce and roast another 15 minutes.
Vinaigrette for salads: Whisk together 1/2 cup canola oil, 1/2 cup apple cider, 2 tablespoons cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Use Apple Cider Vinegar as an All Natural Heartburn Remedy

In years past people with heartburn would have simply swallowed some sort of elixir or a powder given to them by a doctor without asking many questions at all. As long as the heartburn symptoms were relieved this was all they were concerned with. However, in recent years people have become more aware of the dangers of some of the ingredients listed in heartburn remedies that are purchased over the counter. As a result more and more people are searching for all natural heartburn remedies.

When choosing heartburn remedies, natural cures are the best way to go. This is especially true for those who may not be able to take over the counter medications. For example, natural heartburn remedies during pregnancy are a very good suggestion. In consideration of natural heartburn remedies, apple cider vinegar comes to mind. Apple cider vinegar works by causing a sort of chain reaction in the saliva, thereby helping the food to digest and the stomach to stop producing excess acid. Of all the natural heartburn remedies this one seems to be believed to work the best.
Also know for natural heartburn remedies, baking soda works wonders. It is easy to use and typically works instantly. You simply take about a quarter of a teaspoon and mix it with about 6 ounces of water and then drink it down. Within seconds the baking soda helps to neutralize the stomach acid. The best part about using baking soda as a heartburn remedy is that it is a food item that is completely safe. It does not contain aluminum like other antacids do and it is also extremely inexpensive, at only about $0.50 per box.
For pregnant women, doctors often recommend nothing more than soda crackers such as saltines. These can help to soak up the excess acid and sooth the stomach. In addition, Aloe Vera juice can sooth any issues that result from acid burn in your stomach and intestines. If heartburn becomes serious or chronic then getting looked at by a doctor is always a good idea as the possibility of acid reflux exists.
Always keep in mind that an ounce of prevention goes a long way. You should avoid eating tasty foods that are known to cause you heartburn. It is also a good idea to avoid lying down just after eating as this is one of the main causes of heartburn. After taking in a meal wait at least two hours before going to sleep. Doing this may help you avoid indigestion and heartburn. Heartburn when left untreated can turn into something more severe and problematic. For this reason it is always a good idea to closely monitor the amount of times per week you are afflicted with it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Prevent Body Odor

We should always be careful with what ever we put inside our bodies because they will always reflect on our health condition especially on the skin,rashes and perspiration are a good example of those conditions.
Body odor is the unpleasant smell caused by the mixing of perspiration, or sweat, and bacteria on the skin. Sweat is generally an odorless body secretion. When bacteria multiply on the skin and break down these secretions, however, the resulting by-products may have a strong and disagreeable odor.
Oftentimes, B.O. is due to poor personal hygiene. As such, experts suggest a program of daily bathing, changes in diet, and changes in clothing:

  • Dietary changes are also very important in eliminating various sources of odor. Fatty foods, oils, or strong-smelling foods like onion, garlic, and other exotic spices can seep through your pores and cause body odor. Fried and baked goods may contain rancid fats and oils that lead to B.O. Try eliminating these from your diet for a week or two and see if this makes a difference. (Always see a doctor or dietitian before making drastic dietary changes.) 
  • Another thing that may do the trick is apple cider vinegar. My source said it eliminates under arm body odor when used in place of deodorant because it reduces the pH of the skin. Bacteria can't live in areas with low pH. White vinegar is also helpful. Place some on a cotton ball and apply to the underarms instead of deodorant. The vinegar smell is gone in minutes and you should be smell-free all day.

 if you have excessive sweating (called in medical parlance as hyperhidrosis), talk to your doctor. There are many treatment options for those with more severe sweating who desire more permanent treatments.